Monument of the «Association des familles souches» related to the names of the district of Sainte-Foy - Sillery.


This monument is located in «Parc de la plage Jacques-Cartier in Quebec City. It is a memorial to founding families whose ancestors had the privilege of being named after a street in the borough of Sainte-Foy-Sillery in Quebec City. The street name is "Nérée Beauchemin" descendant of Louis Pinard, whose name appears on the monument.

When it was inaugurated on June 14th 2008, the symbolic planting of an oak occurred.

A photo is available in La Pinardière of December 2010 (Vol. 31 No. 4) and a full report in the September 2008 (Vol. 29 No. 3).

On the same occasion, a biographical book entitled « Nos rues en fête - hommage à nos 400 célébrités et à nos sources françaises » was distributed to participants. This book contains the biography of Nérée Beauchemin.